anyone else ever falselyaccused of being/having an alias?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
this ass clown kbmnm247 says that i am mastertx (seems like i do remember him) and says he owes him money. he is positive i am mastertx he says

of course i have been only thetexaskid for going on three years here. kind of funny

anyone else?

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
He is kind of a nutty guy. He used to confuse The Rx with Ebay quite frequently. He must be confused about you too.

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

I was falsely accused of being someone else a couple of months back but the mods both here at the RX, namely Wil, and at the OGD, namely Uncle B, ran my address with my approval and it was evident I wasn't that person. I too have used only one name. I understand exactly how it feels. It's not very pleasant when you are falsely accused of being someone you are not. Best of luck to you with this matter.

New member
Oct 20, 2002
Kid, I saw that a few weeks ago and that he/she was strange ......but heck what do you expect on the beautiful world wide web.


el diablo

Sep 20, 2004
Yep Kid, very funny.....Look at that whore IDENTITY who we ALL thought was a Man, turns out she is a TWO LEGGED DILDO SWALLOWER.....

Anyways, my friend, we been sharing info plays for awhile now, and I got your back against any mislead PROBLEM CHILDS......

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Co-Cap, you gotta give it a rest with that stuff--I think you're losing some respect here.

Sep 20, 2004

Why dont you give it a rest, OK. I aint here to get respect from faceless people, whose only needs or concerns is getting WINNERS, and whatever information or knowledge, through my hard work and time, that I share with them freely.....If you have gotten what I have gotten from her and the others lately, you might be doing the same thing, but then again you might not.....So be it...Respect, yeah right. The only respect anyone here ever gives or gets is due to someones ability to produce winners.....I guess, I clearly have not done enough here and that is why I need to put up with these disrespecting people, who want to attack me.....Fvck that!......I try very hard not to attack or past judgement on others....I also support and encourage others as well.....That is why I wont stand idle while others feel that they shouldn't give me the same in return....

I give it like I get it, good or bad......I do not discriminate either between men or women, as that would be just a sexest thing for me to do. If men want to play, we will play. If women want to play, then we will play. The only thing is that I dont like to play games and is probably the reason why I play extra hard when I am pulled into a game, and that, most cant handle.......

You know what, I dont want to get into anything with you. I am making my last rounds of giving back what I feel I got.....Still, I will let you know what employees of this place told me,....this is the RR room where anything goes.....Do you think that I appreciate a lot of my hard work to be sent here because asswipes came into to my threads and started to piss in them.....And then to have the Mods imply to me that it is my fault, because I responded back to them, IN MY THREADS.....So, understand this once and for all, I didnt post threads in the sports forum, so that they can later be sent to this shit hole.....but since they are here and I need to deal with them being in here, I aint holding nothing back.....

You need to remember where you are at......And if you cant handle me giving back to these asses what I felt they have unfairly given to me, then I suggest that you dont step in here.....Because to do so means that you agree to leave everything at the door....and that includes your own ideas of fair play and nice plays, right and wrong, respectful and disrespectful, class and no class......This is the shit room, where people will get a taste of their own worst nightmare, and that is getting back what they unfairly dished out......

Lastly, I aint fvcking up the sports forum, so I dont see what the problem is.....The Mods where crying because they felt I was doing that, well I am sure they are happy that I am here.....Well, most of them are anyway, some though are even against me here........Hey, maybe next time others will think twice before they decide to play stupid games with me!......Still, I am equipped for the game, if that is what others want from me.....People just need to know, that I dont play by no ones rules but my own.....I dont make up the game, I just do what I can, at any means to win it....That is the competitive side to me that makes me a winner in my eyes, and my eyes is all that matters to me......As I dont know anyone here and I dont owe anyone anything here.....If you or anyone else want to pass judgement on me, then so be it.....I dont control you or the way you think, and I aint going to try to, as I know that no matter what I do or dont do, judgement on me will be made.....So be it!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Jesus, man. You can, of course, write what you want. Just thought I'd pass along how it's changing people's perception of you. From what I've seen, this can be a good site--as for the RR, I don't look here much, but as a place for miscellaneous topics, it can be interesting. I opened up the Texas Kids' thread because I thought the "falsely accused" topic sounded interesting (I've noticed how that seems to come up a lot). And there's you with the "TWO LEGGED DILDO SWALLOWER" shit you're obsessed with lately.

Look, just my opinion, you're of course free to ignore it and write what you want.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
thanks guys for the support. lets not forget the main reason for this forum (imo) to help each other win $$$

good luck

ps. cap i know i can always count on you to get my back

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